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Minimalist Staircase


The LAC Financial Literacy programme is a year-long project for individuals of all ages to develop their financial literacy skills, supported by business volunteers. Volunteers lead a series of workshops focusing on financial knowledge, enterprise and employability.

Our work has provided solutions for past clients, where they have made better informed decisions and become more confident in themselves.



A programme of activities that aims to develop knowledge, skills and understanding of the work place:

  • learn through work, by providing opportunities for young people to learn from direct experiences of the workplace and through our 'Outreach Service' working directly in the classroom situation.

  • learn about work, by supporting the curriculum in education and helping young people to achieve their training goals.

  • learn for work, by developing employability skills or skills supporting alternative career paths (for example, through problem-solving, CV development and mock interviews).

  • A programme of activities that aims to develop knowledge, skills and understanding of the work place:

  • learn through work, by providing opportunities for young people to learn from direct experiences of the workplace and through our 'Outreach Service' working directly in the classroom situation.

  • learn about work, by supporting the curriculum in education and helping young people to achieve their training goals.

  • learn for work, by developing employability skills or skills supporting alternative career paths (for example, through problem-solving, CV development and mock interviews).

Patentability Search


Our DIAS initiative has been LAC’s longest standing programme for over 15years.
Clients and users have access to information about disability awareness, how the law affects disability and accessibility and governmental services, these are all in line with the requirements of the Disability Act 1995 (as amended).
LAC want disabled users and their carers to be recognised as valuable contributing members of society just like their able bodied counterparts.  We want to equip our clients and users with equal access to health and social care, education, support and social interaction.  As a user led charity LAC is at the fore of educating people of all ages about disability and accessibility.  In addition to helping those with a disability lead a full role within their local community.

Family Dispute


The Women’s Project continued successfully for 6 years supporting girls and women in inner city Birmingham. LAC’s aim was to improve the quality of the lives of our female users and clients by keeping them safe from abuse be it emotional and/or physical at home or in the workplace.  Working collectively with other agencies, we have been able to improve the daily lives of our females, as well as strengthened their role within the entire community by promoting the investment in the fairer sex and in turn empowering women’s philanthropy.  The types of activities we have provided have been:

  • Legal advice on various issues concerning girls and women,

  • Supporting parenting skills,

  • Maintaining a work:life balance,

  • Women’s health both physical and emotional wellbeing and

  • Ladies only Social Club.

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